20230521 Oostvaardersplassen

Gepubliceerd op 21 mei 2023 om 19:48

After a short drive out of Amsterdam we arrive at the first spot of the day and are welcomed by the call of the Cuckoo. Two males are chasing a brown morph female. Good that we do see them because both Mike and Karen need to see the bird to add it to their joined list so we’re up for a challenge.


The singing Blackcaps, Garden, Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warblers all have to be seen so we spend some effort in seeing them properly. While we’re scanning the area from a hilltop a male Honey Buzzard flies by at eye level from behind us.


On the lakes we observe Little Grebe, a pair of Garganey, Northern Lapwing, Common Shelducks and Common Pochards.


At the ackers toward the next stop we drive slowly to look for Yellow Wagtails. A Common Whitethroat get’s our attention and in the top of that bush a female Red-backed Shrike is looking at us for a two seconds before she flies off. We manage to see the Yellow Wagtail and have to settle with a Nightingale flying from one to the other song post.


Next stop is the visitor’s center of the Oostvaardersplassen for a toilet break and a walk into the reserve. As we’re observing a pair of White Wagtail, a Hobby swoops over our heads. 


From the hide we scan the area with the telescope and count at least 6 White-tailed Eagles.

A summer plumage Grey Plover is an unexpected surprise when suddenly a White-winged Tern passes through the view!


The last stop is close to where we started but at this site you need the light in your back in the afternoon. A foraging Spoonbill is the first bird we see from the hide and there are many ducks on the partly flooded fields including Garganey, Eurasian Teal, Gadwall and Northern Shoveler. 


The wader migration is almost over but still we see a Greenshank among the breeding Common Redshank, Northern Lapwings, Avocets and our national bird the Black-tailed Godwit.

  1. Little Grebe
  2. Great-crested Grebe
  3. Great Cormorant
  4. Grey Heron
  5. Great Egret
  6. White Stork
  7. Eurasian Spoonbill
  8. Mute Swan
  9. Greylag Goose
  10. Barnacle Goose
  11. Common Shelduck
  12. Gadwall
  13. Eurasian Teal
  14. Garganey
  15. Mallard
  16. Northern Shoveler
  17. Common Pochard
  18. Tufted Duck
  19. Honey Buzzard
  20. White-tailed Eagle
  21. Marsh Harrier
  22. Common Buzzard
  23. Kestrel
  24. Hobby
  25. Water Rail (heard only)
  26. Moorhen (heard only)
  27. Coot
  28. Oystercatcher
  29. Avocet
  30. Northern Lapwing
  31. Grey Plover
  32. Ringed Plover
  33. Black-tailed Godwit
  34. Common Redshank
  35. Greenshank
  36. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  37. Herring Gull
  38. Caspian Gull
  39. Black-headed Gull
  40. Common Tern
  41. White-winged Tern
  42. Stock Dove
  43. Wood Pigeon
  44. Collared Dove
  45. Common Kingfisher
  46. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (heard only)
  47. Greater Spotted Woodpecker
  48. Sand Martin
  49. House Martin
  50. Barn Swallow
  51. White Wagtail
  52. Yellow Wagtail
  53. Wren
  54. Dunnock
  55. Blackbird
  56. Song Thrush
  57. Cetti's Warbler
  58. Grasshopper Warbler (heard only)
  59. Savi's Warbler
  60. Sedge Warbler
  61. Reed Warbler
  62. Marsh Warbler
  63. Willow Warbler
  64. Chiffchaff
  65. Blackcap
  66. Garden Warbler
  67. Common Whitethroat
  68. Great Tit
  69. Blue Tit
  70. Short-toed Treecreeper
  71. Red-backed Shrike
  72. Eurasian Jay
  73. Magpie
  74. Jackdaw
  75. Carrion Crow
  76. European Starling
  77. House Sparrow
  78. Chaffinch
  79. Greenfinch
  80. Goldfinch
  81. Linnet
  82. Reed Bunting