Wadden Islands

Target birds:


Texel is one and the largest Wadden Island and accessible by car. There are four more Wadden Island, Vlieland, Terschelling, Ameland and Schiermonnikoog. All are only reachable by ferry, crossing takes 1-2 hours. As the numbers of cars are limited the main transportation is per bike. These can be rented at the docks or in the villages.


The islands are perfect of a weekend trip, day tours are possible only the time on the island is limited. Birds are more approachable then on the mainland which is interesting for photographers. With the Wadden and North Sea the islands are top destinations for waders, geese and other aquatic birds.


In the winter you can see scarce species like Long-tailed Duck, Twite, Shore Lark, Lapland Bunting and flocks of Snow Bunting. Hen Harrier, Rough-legged Buzzard and Short-eared Owl are also frequently seen. Large flocks of Barnacle and Brent Geese graze on the meadows, Red-breasted Geese and White-bellied and Black Brent can be found among them.


During autumn migration one can witness falls off migratory birds. In October thrushes cross the North Sea from Scandinavia and the Wadden Islands is the first land the see, sometimes joined by Bohemian Waxwings or even rarer birds. Does this sounds interesting, contact us for a guided birding weekend.