Trip reports

***As we had to switch between our web host we have to republish the trip reports. More will be published in the time to come.***

20240629 Biesbosch

This day Menno guided Mandy and her partner in the Biesbosch. It was hard work and fighting the mosquitos and horseflies but resulted in 90 species in mid summer!

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20240622 Rotterdam

Beverly and Rich ended their Norwegian Cruise in the harbor of Rotterdam. They both had visited the Netherlands before and had some target birds for their Dutch and life list which we tried to see this day.

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20240602 Zuid Holland

Terry and his wife enjoyed their honeymoon trip to Amsterdam and wanted a day out of the city to see the country and it's wildlife, we managed to see 86 species of birds.

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20240423 group tour

On Monday 23 April our guide Hans Overduin guided three enthusiastic Icelandic birders/ photographers, the focus was on Bluethroat, Bittern and Bearded Reedling.

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Schiermonnikoog and Lauwersmeer

On the 8th of April I met Komal and Sachin in front of their B&B in Groningen. Only 15 minutes later we made our first stop in ‘the Onlanden’ south of the city. The first bird we heard after we left the car was a Savi’s warbler, soon followed by the hoomping of a Great Bittern. Several March Harriers flew over the reedbeds.

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20240310 90+ winter tour

On the 10th of March we (John and Menno) started our day at the IJmuiden. The east and overcast conditions, with only a couple of degrees and a strong wind from the east it made it feel very cold. But must have felt warm for the 5 Snow Buntings we first saw on the beach.

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20230923 oostvaardersplassen half day

On Saturday 23rd if September I meet Mark at the train station at Almere. Via the Oostvaardersdijk we head to the Oostvaardersplassen. Already on the road Mark is surprised with the number and mix of different bird species.

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20230711 half day tour Flevoland

Early in the morning I (Marko Oudenaarden) met Lynn and Will from the USA at the trainstation of Lelystad for a half day of birding in the Oostvaardersplassen. Before they departed on a river cruise thenext day, they wanted to see some European birds. And the Oostvaardersplassen is a goodplace to do that.

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