20240310 90+ winter tour

Gepubliceerd op 11 maart 2024 om 08:35

On the 10th of March we (John and Menno) started our day at the IJmuiden. The east and overcast conditions, with only a couple of degrees and a strong wind from the east it made it feel very cold. But must have felt warm for the 5 Snow Buntings we first saw on the beach.

Despite these winter like conditions there was spring migration with Dunlins, White Wagtails and Sky Larks. In the dunes Song Thrush, Dunlin and Chiffchaff where already singing.

There weren't many gulls on the beach but still we could find a first winter Yellow Legged Gull among the Herring- and Lesser Black Backed Gulls.


A walk up and down the 3 kilometer long pier brought us Purple Sandpiper, Common Scoter, Eider, Red-breasted Merganser and Rock Pipits. Back at the marina we found some Little Grebes. The warm coffee and biscuits helped it to recover and charged for a walk at the nearby lake.

A pair of Common Shelduck, some Eurasian Teals and a flock of Common Pochard sheltered from the wind and with the last a Ring-necked Duck, a vagrant from the US but for John as a US birder not much of interest :)


The day before a Red-breasted Geese had been reported at Reeuwijk so we decided to give it a try. On the way with the car window down we picked up some common birds whilst driving to the parking spot. When we stepped our of the car two Cetti's Warbler were fighting allowing us to take photos if this normally skulky species.


The area was packed with wildfowl. On the lake were 10.000 resting Eurasian Wigeons and the meadows on were full with about 6.000 Barnacle and 4.000 Greater White-fronted Geese. The Black-tailed Godwits and Northern Lapwings had claimed their breeding spots on the same fields. But no Red-breasted Goose, we did find a Ross' Goose but that didn't originate from the US but escaped from a private wildfowl collection.


A large wetland near Zoetermeer was very productive with Little Egret, Eurasian Spoonbill, Redshank, a variety of ducks and a Horned- and Eared Grebe that showed displaying behavior, something we had never seen or heard off before. The next stop again was very productive with a pair of Grey Partridge and showy Little Owls plus a small flock of Golden Plovers among the Northern Lapwings.


Last stop of the day was a park at the Hague were we connected with the day roosting Tawny Owl, Nuthatch, Greater Spotted and Green Woodpecker. The drive back to Amsterdam gave u our last new bird of the day, a Northern Goshawk flew over the highway whilst we made up the 90+ day list. Not bad for a day in March!


  1. Red-throated Diver
  2. Little Grebe
  3. Great-crested Grebe
  4. Black-throated Grebe
  5. Slavonian Grebe
  6. Great Cormorant
  7. Grey Heron
  8. Great Egret
  9. Little Egret
  10. Eurasian Spoonbill
  11. Mute Swan
  12. White-fronted Goose
  13. Greylag Goose
  14. Barnacle Goose
  15. Common Shelduck
  16. Eurasian Wigeon
  17. Gadwall
  18. Eurasian Teal
  19. Mallard
  20. Northern Pintail
  21. Northern Shoveler
  22. Red-crested Pochard
  23. Common Pochard
  24. Tufted Duck
  25. Ring-necked Duck
  26. Eider
  27. Common Scoter
  28. Goldeneye
  29. Smew
  30. Red-breasted Goosander
  31. Sparrowhawk
  32. Northern Goshawk
  33. Common Buzzard
  34. Kestrel
  35. Grey Partridge
  36. Water Rail
  37. Moorhen
  38. Coot
  39. Oystercatcher
  40. Avocet
  41. Northern Lapwing
  42. Golden Plover
  43. Ringed Plover
  44. Black-tailed Godwit
  45. Curlew
  46. Ruddy Turnstone
  47. Sanderling
  48. Purple Sandpiper
  49. Dunlin
  50. Common Gull
  51. Greater Black-backed Gull
  52. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  53. Herring Gull
  54. Caspian Gull
  55. Yellow-legged Gull
  56. Mediterranean Gull
  57. Black-headed Gull
  58. Stock Dove
  59. Wood Pigeon
  60. Collared Dove
  61. Little Owl
  62. Tawny Owl
  63. Greater Spotted Woodpecker
  64. Green Woodpecker
  65. Skylark
  66. White Wagtail
  67. Meadow Pipit
  68. Rock Pipit
  69. Goldcrest
  70. Wren
  71. Dunnock
  72. Blackbird
  73. Song Thrush
  74. Cetti's Warbler
  75. Chiffchaff
  76. European Robin
  77. Long-tailed Tit
  78. Great Tit
  79. Blue Tit
  80. Nuthatch
  81. Short-toed Treecreeper
  82. Eurasian Jay
  83. Magpie
  84. Jackdaw
  85. Carrion Crow
  86. European Starling
  87. House Sparrow
  88. Chaffinch
  89. Greenfinch
  90. Reed Bunting
  91. Snow Bunting
  92. *Ring-necked Pheasant
  93. *Egyptian Goose
  94. *Ring-necked Parakeet
  95. *Canada Goose
  96. *Ross' Goose (escape)