20230923 oostvaardersplassen half day

Gepubliceerd op 23 september 2023 om 13:58

On Saturday 23rd if September I meet Mark at the train station at Almere. Via the Oostvaardersdijk we head to the Oostvaardersplassen. Already on the road Mark is surprised with the number and mix of different bird species.


We stop at a parking lot to scan the wetland and IJsselmeer. We already notice there's some good migration of Meadow Pipits and White Wagtails and among them a Grey Wagtail is calling whilst flying overhead.


At the visitor center we see many Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Robins before we continue our walk. A Short-toed Treecreeper was on the wish list and we manage to find one despite the foliage. Just before we enter the hide a brown long tailed bird flies by and perches on the fence which turns out to be a juvenile Red-backed Shrike! From the hide we scan the area and see up to three White-tailed Eagles.


The next hide overlooks a lake with a large mudflat where several species of waders are foraging including a Little Stint and a flock of Spotted Redshanks. In the ditch in front we regularly hear the Bearded Reedlings and mange to see a nice male.


Next stop is a park at the west end of Almere where we manage to relocate a pair of Ferruginous Ducks. We do hear the Kingfisher fly by the the high reed prevents us a blue glimpse. We end up with 76 species of birds for a morning tour!

  1. Little Grebe
  2. Great-crested Grebe
  3. Great Cormorant
  4. Grey Heron
  5. Great Egret
  6. Eurasian Spoonbill
  7. Mute Swan
  8. Greylag Goose
  9. Barnacle Goose
  10. Common Shelduck
  11. Gadwall
  12. Eurasian Teal
  13. Mallard
  14. Northern Pintail
  15. Northern Shoveler
  16. Common Pochard
  17. Ferruginous Duck
  18. Tufted Duck
  19. White-tailed Eagle
  20. Sparrowhawk
  21. Northern Goshawk
  22. Common Buzzard
  23. Kestrel
  24. Water Rail
  25. Coot
  26. Northern Lapwing
  27. Grey Plover
  28. Ringed Plover
  29. Eurasian Snipe
  30. Spotted Redshank
  31. Green Sandpiper
  32. Little Stint
  33. Dunlin
  34. Ruff
  35. Greater Black-backed Gull
  36. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  37. Herring Gull
  38. Caspian Gull
  39. Black-headed Gull
  40. Stock Dove
  41. Wood Pigeon
  42. Common Kingfisher*
  43. Greater Spotted Woodpecker
  44. Skylark
  45. Sand Martin
  46. Barn Swallow
  47. White Wagtail
  48. Grey Wagtail
  49. Tree Pipit*
  50. Meadow Pipit
  51. Wren
  52. Dunnock
  53. Blackbird
  54. Song Thrush
  55. Cetti's Warbler
  56. Reed Warbler
  57. Chiffchaff
  58. Blackcap
  59. European Robin
  60. Bearded Reedling
  61. Long-tailed Tit
  62. Great Tit
  63. Blue Tit
  64. Short-toed Treecreeper
  65. Red-backed Shrike
  66. Eurasian Jay
  67. Magpie
  68. Jackdaw
  69. Carrion Crow
  70. European Starling
  71. Chaffinch
  72. Greenfinch
  73. Goldfinch
  74. Siskin
  75. Linnet
  76. Reed Bunting

* heard only