Target Birding
The Netherlands is well known for it wintering wildfowl. Therefore many clients contact us as they would like to see Red-breasted-, Lesser White-fronted, Bean- and or Pink-footed Geese. Beside the wintering geese some duck species are also hard to see and high on the list like Smew, Velvet Scoter and Gargeney.
Client often send their targets to review and we plan for the most productive tour.
British birders are always surprised by the number of birds and species they see. Black-, Middle- and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers are always high on their list and so are Crested Tit, Bluethroat, Firecrest and Purple Heron. Some occur in the UK but are even more hard to find or a trip is more expensive then to fly over the North Sea and spend a weekend in Holland.
Below you can find a checklist with the occurrence per month and habitat per species.