In March the first spring visitors arrive with White Wagtails, Barn Swallows, Black-tailed Godwit and Garganey arriving to find and defend their breeding sites.In April more species arrive like Bluethroat, Sedge Warbler and Little Ringed Plover. Migration pulls in full swing with Osprey, Ring Ouzel, Northern Wheatears and Yellow Wagtails. May is the best and most beautiful month. An early start in the dunes or forest offers a superb dawn chorus of Nightingales, Stonechats, Common and Lesser Whitethroats, Reed Warbler, Wood Larks, Cuckoos and Redstarts. While the dunes and forest are teeming with songbirds the meadows are bursting with life. Lapwings are chasing in the air, while Black-tailed Godwits are hanging in the wind and constantly calling their typical call. Redshanks are on the lookout on the fences for any intruder and Sky Larks sing incessantly high in the blue sky. Along the waters edge Purple Herons, Spoonbills and White Storks look for small fish and frogs. Shovelers, Garganey, Gadwall and Red-crested Pochards breed in the overgrown