20240423 group tour

Gepubliceerd op 23 april 2024 om 12:53

On Monday 23 April our guide Hans Overduin guided three enthusiastic Icelandic birders/ photographers, the focus was on Bluethroat, Bittern and Bearded Reedling.

  1. Great-crested Grebe
  2. Great Cormorant
  3. Grey Heron
  4. Little Egret
  5. Great Bittern
  6. Mute Swan
  7. Greylag Goose
  8. Common Shelduck
  9. Gadwall
  10. Mallard
  11. Red-crested Pochard
  12. Common Pochard
  13. Tufted Duck
  14. Common Buzzard
  15. Grey Partridge
  16. Moorhen
  17. Coot
  18. Oystercatcher
  19. Avocet
  20. Northern Lapwing
  21. Little Ringed Plover
  22. Black-tailed Godwit
  23. Common Redshank
  24. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  25. Black-headed Gull
  26. Common Tern
  27. Stock Dove
  28. Wood Pigeon
  29. Tawny Owl
  30. Common Swift
  31. Greater Spotted Woodpecker
  32. Sand Martin
  33. White Wagtail
  34. Yellow Wagtail
  35. Wren
  36. Blackbird
  37. Song Thrush
  38. Cetti's Warbler
  39. Savi's Warbler
  40. Chiffchaff
  41. Blackcap
  42. European Robin
  43. Bluethroat
  44. Stonechat
  45. Northern Wheatear
  46. Great Tit
  47. Blue Tit
  48. Eurasian Jay
  49. Magpie
  50. Jackdaw
  51. Carrion Crow
  52. European Starling
    *Ring-necked Pheasant
    *Egyptian Goose
    *Ring-necked Parakeet
    *Canada Goose