20230408 Oostvaardersplassen mvd

Gepubliceerd op 8 april 2023 om 22:09

The steam comes from the can as we poor in our coffees at the first site of the day. It's just above freezing with a clear sky before sunrise. We have an early start hoping to find the woodpeckers.


There's a lot of activity of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers, several species of tits and we hear the first Hawfinches of the day. We walk along the forest edge but no sign of a Black Woodpecker, only a distant laugh of the Green Woodpecker.


On the heather we see a pair of Stonechats and some Crested Tits in the pines. When we get back to the car we spot a Marsh Tit and hear several songbirds like Blackcaps, Dunnocks, Robins and Chiffchaff.


A short drive brings us to a park with some old oak trees where we look for Middle Spotted Woodpeckers. We do see many Nuthatches, Short-toed Treecreepers and finally hear the woodpecker. We find the male chopping the old wood for making his nesting hole.

A half hour drive brings us to the Oostvaardersplassen. As it's already later in the morning it's busy with people bit still plenty of bird activity. Trees are filled with Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs and in the undergrowth we hear and see one after the other Cetti's Warbler. Sadly some trails are closed which are normally good for Bluethroats, Bearder Tits and other marshland specialties. We take a long walk to a hide where we're other birdwatchers point us a Jack Snipe hidden in the reed.


Along the road side we observe tree male Bluethroats but they won't show themselves good enough for a decent picture, which is one of our objectives for today. We have lunch at the visitor center and see our first Barn Swallows of the season. Marsh Harriers are patrollingover the reed but then we spot a Red Kite heading north. Above the water of a large lake hundreds of Black-headed Gulls feed on emerging midgets and we find some nice summer plumage Little Gulls among them.


At the car park on the dike we find a pair of White-tailed Eagles on a prey. The female is harassed by some Carrion Crows and takes off. On a field that's partly submerged we find Northern Lapwings, Common Redshank and a flock of Black-tailed Godwits fly overhead. So do some Yellow Wagtails with Meadow Pipits and a Water Pipit.


On a newly created nature reserve the high water levels attract many waders, including some summer plumage Ruff, Little and Common Ringed Plovers. There's a large variety of ducks but we can't find the targeted Garganey instead we're surprised to find a male Smew!


We still haven't got some Bluethroats shots so we hope for the best at the last stop. A nice parkland with a lot of water and reeds. The wintering pair of Ferruginous Ducks are found in the large flock of Tufted Ducks and Common Pochards. When we walk back to the reeds a Bittern starts his booming call and allmost at the end of the track we're treated with a stunning male Bluethroat that perches picture perfect on the reed in the evening sun (photo by Gretchen Locy in the header). What a fantastic end of a productive day!

  1. Little Grebe
  2. Great-crested Grebe
  3. Great Cormorant
  4. Grey Heron
  5. Great Egret
  6. Great Bittern h.o.
  7. White Stork
  8. Eurasian Spoonbill
  9. Mute Swan
  10. White-fronted Goose
  11. Greylag Goose
  12. Barnacle Goose
  13. Common Shelduck
  14. Eurasian Wigeon
  15. Gadwall
  16. Eurasian Teal
  17. Mallard
  18. Northern Pintail
  19. Northern Shoveler
  20. Common Pochard
  21. Ferruginous Duck
  22. Tufted Duck
  23. Smew
  24. Red Kite
  25. White-tailed Eagle
  26. Osprey
  27. Marsh Harrier
  28. Sparrowhawk
  29. Northern Goshawk
  30. Common Buzzard
  31. Kestrel
  32. Water Rail h.o.
  33. Moorhen
  34. Coot
  35. Oystercatcher
  36. Avocet
  37. Northern Lapwing
  38. Ringed Plover
  39. Little Ringed Plover
  40. Jack Snipe
  41. Eurasian Snipe
  42. Black-tailed Godwit
  43. Common Redshank
  44. Green Sandpiper
  45. Common Gull
  46. Greater Black-backed Gull
  47. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  48. Herring Gull
  49. Caspian Gull
  50. Black-headed Gull
  51. Little Gull
  52. Stock Dove
  53. Wood Pigeon
  54. Collared Dove
  55. Common Kingfisher h.o.
  56. Middle Spotted Woodpecker
  57. Greater Spotted Woodpecker
  58. Green Woodpecker
  59. Wood Lark
  60. Sand Martin
  61. Barn Swallow
  62. White Wagtail
  63. Yellow Wagtail
  64. Water Pipit
  65. Meadow Pipit
  66. Goldcrest
  67. Wren
  68. Dunnock
  69. Blackbird
  70. Song Thrush
  71. Redwing
  72. Cetti's Warbler
  73. Sedge Warbler
  74. Willow Warbler
  75. Chiffchaff
  76. Blackcap
  77. European Robin
  78. Bluethroat
  79. Stonechat
  80. Long-tailed Tit
  81. Marsh Tit
  82. Willow Tit h.o.
  83. Crested Tit
  84. Great Tit
  85. Blue Tit
  86. Nuthatch
  87. Short-toed Treecreeper
  88. Eurasian Jay
  89. Magpie
  90. Jackdaw
  91. Raven
  92. Carrion Crow
  93. European Starling
  94. House Sparrow
  95. Chaffinch
  96. Greenfinch
  97. Hawfinch
  98. Goldfinch
  99. Linnet
  100. Reed Bunting

*Egyptian Goose

*Ring-necked Parakeet

*Canada Goose