20230417 Oostvaardersplassen

Gepubliceerd op 17 april 2023 om 16:52

Monday April 17, a misty morning I (Cor Visser) met Kristine and Richard at their hotel in the
center of Amsterdam. It was their last day before they left for Colorado. They wanted to
spend another day birding in the Netherlands. We decided to go to the Oostvaardersplassen
in the hope that the fog would lift.


After 40 minutes we arrived at the site where there still was a thick fog.
Unfortunately, the visibility was therefore not really great. We did see quite a few Barnacle
Geese, gulls, Red Deer and 3 Spoonbills. Gradually the fog started to lift and we drove to the
next lookout, still very quiet in terms of birds, except for a few birds such as White
Wagtail, Chaffinch and Blue Tit. We continued our way.
Fortunately, the view was a lot better and we could enjoy a Reed Bunting in the company of
a Reed Warbler. Walking a bit further along the reeds we heard a Cetti's warbler but it didn't


On the way back we could admire a beautiful male Bluethroat in the telescope. Further on to
the first hut where several ducks were swimming around and the Cormorants were still
present.  It soon became noisy in the hide when a large group of bird watchers arrived so we decided to
continue our journey to the visitor center. When they got there, two Cetti's warblers were
making each others lives miserable. Fortunately for us, they allowed themselves to be
looked at closely. We continued on the path towards the viewing screen De Blauwborst
where a Song Thrush allowed itself to be observed. At the viewing screen we saw a pair of
Bluethroats which again allowed us to view well. Further towards the Driehoek (which was
closed) we saw a Nightingale.


When we arrived at the car, a cup of coffee was consumed and of course a stroopwafel. On
to the Greylag Goose where we could see a Wren singing loudly on a branch on the way.
Also a bunch of long-tailed tits. When they arrived at the hide, the Barn Swallows were busy
building their nest.


Time for lunch and back to Amsterdam. Arriving in Amsterdam Noord, we first decided to look for our national bird, the Black-tailed Godwit. After an intense search, a round of Waterland eventually yielded two Black-tailed Godwits and various Barnacle Geese, Lapwings, and Oystercatchers.


Parked the car in the parking lot at polder IJdoorn and then on foot to the lake De Kinsel
where the Teals and Avocets were busy foraging. Then crossed the dike and walked into the
polder. We were very surprised to see 30 Black-tailed Godwits and a large number of Avocets
there. It was already later in the afternoon and another round of Waterland was driven to
close the day.


Then back to the center to drop Kristine and Richard back at their hotel where
we said goodbye to each other. Photos by Cor Visser (archive)