20210925 IJmuiden

Gepubliceerd op 6 oktober 2021 om 20:48

It's the 25th of September and today I (Menno) will guide Gowri and Javier for a morning bird tour at IJmuiden. As we step out of the car on the parking lot we are welcomed by a calling Dunnock and flocks of Starlings flying from their roost at the nearby lake.


A Little Grebe in the marina is showing well while they normally dive down as soon as you look at them this bird is used to the crowds walking by. A flock of Common Sandpipers fly overhead while we walk up to the pier.


On the tideline we see some White Wagtails and Meadow Pipits catching flies attracted by the sea weed. A flock of Oystercatchers flies by with a Bar-tailed Godwit among them and on the shoreline a couple of Grey Plovers are foraging.


In the large mixed gulls flock we find Common and Sandwich Terns and some Dunlin. Further up the pier we find the first Rock Pipits and Ruddy Turnstones. Here we see the first, of many, Guillemots hunting close next to the pier.


Out at sea Red-throated Divers, Common Gannets, Common Scoters regularly fly by and we continue to see more Guillemots*. At the lighthouse we spent some time watching the seabird migration. Red-throated Divers, mostly in summer plumage, continue to fly by at close range. A further out there’s a feeding frenzy of Gannets, Terns and Gulls. We’re treated with a juvenile Arctic Skua speeding by and a nice adult  Mediterranean Gull. Between the piers a pod of Harbor Porpoises surfaces at close distance.


It’s time to walk back and on our way we add Purple Sandpiper, Razorbill and European Shag to the list completing the target birds for this morning walk. Javier is so nice to buy us a coffee and apple pie which we have to share with the local House Sparrows, see our Instagram post.

  1. Red-throated Diver
  2. Little Grebe
  3. Great-crested Grebe
  4. European Shag
  5. Great Cormorant
  6. Grey Heron
  7. Great Egret
  8. White Stork
  9. Mute Swan
  10. Greylag Goose
  11. Canada Goose
  12. Barnacle Goose
  13. Dark-bellied Brent
  14. Mallard
  15. Eider
  16. Common Scoter
  17. Common Buzzard
  18. Kestrel
  19. Coot
  20. Oystercatcher
  21. Grey Plover
  22. Ringed Plover
  23. Bar-tailed Godwit
  24. Common Sandpiper
  25. Ruddy Turnstone
  26. Purple Sandpiper
  27. Dunlin
  28. Arctic Skua
  29. Common Gull
  30. Greater Black-backed Gull
  31. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  32. Herring Gull
  33. Mediterranean Gull
  34. Black-headed Gull
  35. Sandwich Tern
  36. Common Tern
  37. Razorbill
  38. Common Guillemot
  39. Wood Pigeon
  40. Collared Dove
  41. Barn Swallow
  42. White Wagtail
  43. Grey Wagtail
  44. Meadow Pipit
  45. Rock Pipit
  46. Dunnock
  47. Song Thrush
  48. Magpie
  49. Jackdaw
  50. Carrion Crow
  51. Startling
  52. House Sparrow
  53. Linnet